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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Vitamins for health

My girlfriend smokes and drinks heavily. She rarely exercises. Do you think vitamin supplements will help her?

Many people now a days think that popping vitamins is a solution for good health. This is a dumb idea. The majority of the health supplements on the market are crap. Many are fakes and counterfeit. They are made in the Orient, where there is little quality control. The entire health supplement industry is unregulated. Why would any sane person want to eat such crap is a real mystery? I am a believer that you should eat a healthy well balanced diet. If you want vitamins, eats fruits and vegetables-this is not only cheaper but safer than the crap pills you can buy. For your GF, there is nothing you can do. Unless she is willing to change her life style, and stops smoking and/or drinking, everything you do will be futile. Best advice- find a new girlfriend if she is unwilling to change.

Urinating shyness

I am a 26-year-old male and whenever I am in the public bathroom, I can’t urinate if there are other people next to me. Any suggestions what I can do?

This is a very common problem in men. Sometimes standing at a urinal and the urine just stops whenever another person is standing close by. It is a surprisingly very common problem in men of all ages, but because of pride, many men do not brag about it. The major issue is that of being very self-conscious. This is a psychological issue and nothing to do with your bladder or penis. Best advice, use the toilet when no one is there or wait till others have finished using it. Do not worry about it and it will disappear with time.

Painful hemorrhoids

I have painful hemorrhoids but do not want to undergo surgery?

Well, I suggest you start drinking lots of water, take laxatives and add fiber to your diet. After that, you can buy some hemorrhoidal cream that contains an anesthetic. That should do the trick. Try anusol. Ff medications and life style changes fail, then you will need surgery. Remember- Go to a colorectal surgeon for your hemorrhoids. General surgeons are not great are at doing hemorrhoid surgery-they tend to f..k it up quite often.

CT scan for lung cancer

I am a 57-year-old male who smokes. My doctor says I need to undergo a CT scan every 2-3 years to screen for lung cancer. Is this worth it?

Tell your doctor to Piss off. First, the regular chest x-ray is very insensitive and cannot detect small lung cancers. Ct scan is very sensitive but the majority of lesions identified turn out to be non cancerous. The only sure way to tell if a mass on a CT scan is a cancer is to biopsy. Therefore, if a lesion is seen on CT scan, you will be sent for a biopsy. CT scan screening for lung cancer is just another bogus way how doctors rip off patients. The actual CT scan will cost about $600-$1,000. If you need to undergo a biopsy, it will be a couple of thousand dollars. Moreover, the majority of time, the lesions are non cancerous.

My best advice to you is stop smoking and change your doctor-this doctor sounds like a fraud for recommending a BS test. In America and elsewhere, having health insurance can be a hazard to your health sometimes-because you are sent for more tests and more surgeries-the majority, which are unnecessary.

Creatine for muscle

How much creatine should I take to boost my exercise performance?

Many men take creatine to build muscle or improve exercise endurance. The loading dose for the first 5 days is about 20 g orally every day, and then you need to take 2-3 g per day. The results are not immediate and not seen in everyone. About 30% of individuals see no difference in weight or exercise endurance. Creatine tends to be of more benefit in elderly individuals or highly trained athletes. For the casual person, creatine does not do much. The supplement is relatively safe but may cause bloating and diarrhea. If you want creatine to work, you must exercise regularly and be committed for at least 2-3 months. Sitting at home and popping creatine pills will do jack shit, except make you obese.

Lidocaine for premature ejaculation

My doctor has prescribed me lidocaine gel for premature ejaculation. Does it work?

Well, this very common disorder is difficult to treat. You may apply lidocaine on you penis, but all it will do is numb your penis. Moreover, the gel will spread into the vagina and also numb the pleasurable sensations of your partner. I do not recommend it. There is no evidence that this drug works but doctors continue to prescribe it. It is a medication often used to numb the anal canal in partners who undergo anal sex for the first time.

Premature ejaculation

I was prescribed clomipramine for my premature ejaculation. Five weeks later, I am still spurting all over the bed during sex with my GF. When will it start to work?

Clomipramine is a very old antidepressant drug and not very effective. If it has not worked by 3 weeks, it is unlikely to work. There is no FDA approved drug for this disorder but the newer antidepressants seem to work the best. Ask your doctor for an SSRI inhibitor like sertraline or Prozac. No one knows if they work or how long you have to take them for the results. In addition, these medications also have a number of adverse effects including weight gain. Am sorry, I do not have a great answer for this very common problem in men. Best advice, get comfortable and communicate with your partner during sex and be patient.


I am a 22-year-old male and have been told I have mild scoliosis. I am slightly embarrassed with my condition. Is there any procedure I can undergo to reverse this?

Listen young man, I am a surgeon and I highly recommend that you do not undergo any surgery for this procedure. Mild scoliosis is of cosmetic nuisance. At your age, I think the scoliosis has stabilized and won’t progress. For severe scoliosis, you can wear a brace but these are very uncomfortable. Surgery for scoliosis is fraught with severe complications. Trust me, surgeons will F..k you up for good. If you think you are shy about revealing your bare chest now, wait till the surgeons are done with you-you will never have the courage to leave your home. Definitely not recommended. If you are embarrassed about the disorder, cover it with a shirt or take a Prozac. Quiet a few orthopedic surgeons operate like butchers and you should keep away from them—good luck.

Circumcision and stupidity

I was circumcised as a child and am an adult now. Is there any way to restore foreskin so that I can have enjoyable intercourse?

Are you a F…ing moron? The foreskin has been removed, how the F..k is the doctor supposed to place it back? Skin grafts can be done but this is ridiculous. If you are an adult and unable to enjoy sex, it has nothing to do with the foreskin. I am sure you can find a surgeon who will be more than glad to muck around with your penis and completely mess it up. Best advice, stop mucking around with your penis-it is fine. It is your head that needs to be examined. Go and see a psychiatrist. What a stupid question.

Tight Foreskin

I am an 18-year-old male and at the tip of my penis, my foreskin appears stuck and does not move. It has made sex quite painful. What is the problem?

You have what is called phimosis. Phimosis means tight or narrowed foreskin. In most men, the foreskin is loose and will pull back when the penis is erect. In some cases, the foreskin does not full retract and this can be painful. This is a common problem and I think you should see a urologist. Do not go to a general surgeon-they are clueless about this disorder. The surgery is quick. In most cases, the foreskin is separated or he/she may perform a circumcision. It is routine surgery and you will be fine.

Monday 24 June 2013

behavior therapy after lap banding

Do I need behavior therapy after my laparoscopic gastric banding surgery?
Well, another money making scheme for the health professionals. Some surgeons say that in order to keep the weight off after surgery, patients need to undergo behavior therapy. In my opinion behavior therapy is a bunch of crap. It is expensive and I am not sure if it makes any difference. My best advice is walk every day or enroll in an exercise program. If you do that now, you won’t even need to undergo the surgery. Waking is free, safer than any surgery and lets you enjoy nature. Surgery for weight loss is fraught with complications and can permanently mess you up. As you can see, I am not a fan of any type of weight loss surgery. Good luck.

Lap banding and gallbladder

I am going for laparoscopic gastric banding and my surgeon insists that I have my gallbladder removed at the same time. Why?
The first reason is because he/she can make more money. Secondly, gallstones tend to occur in people who lose weight rapidly-so removing the gallbladder saves you a second surgery. However, in the majority of people the gallstones do not cause any problems. So the ultimate choice is yours. First I suggest you speak to your surgeon and if he insists on removing the gallbladder, get a second opinion. Anytime a surgeon can remove an organ, he/she will recommend it because there is financial gain. So best advice, speak to another surgeon.

Complications of lap banding

How common are complications after laparoscopic gastric banding?
Again, if you ask the surgeons, they claim complications never occur. In reality, the procedure is associated with complications in about 5-10% of people. Many complications are also not reported so the real numbers are unknown. Doctors who make money doing this surgery are not going to be bragging about their complications and will make every effort to hide them.
Common complications like fever, pneumonia and wound infections occur in 10-20 % of individuals. Formation of blood clots is rare but is a known complication.
Finally, complications tend to be more common when you select a clueless technically incompetent surgeon. And trust me; there are plenty of bad surgeons around.

Weight loss after lap banding

How much weight can I lose with laparoscopic banding?
A Iot really depends on whom you speak to. If you speak to the surgeons, they will always claim that you will lose 50-100 pounds in 3-6 months-that is total BS. If you speak to the patients who have undergone the procedure, you will get the real answer. On average, expect to lose 1-2 pounds/month for the first few months. However, many do not lose any weight. The weight loss is gradual and not immediate. Most of the weight loss occurs over the first 2-4 months and then tapers over the next 8 months. If you have not lost any weight over 6 months, then it is unlikely you will lose any.
There is no way of predicting who will respond to laparoscopic banding surgery for weight loss. The only way to find out is to fork out $15,000-$20,000 and find out. There are no refunds in medicine.

Lap banding

How soon after laparoscopic banding for weight loss can I go home?
In general, most patients go home the same day but others go home the following morning. In most cases, complications when they occur are not seen immediately. Unlike open surgery for weight loss, laparoscopy has a much faster recovery and much less pain. Most people are back to their normal activities within 7-21 days.

Acomplia for weight loss

Is Acomplia available in the USA for weight loss?

Acomplia is the first of a newer class of prescription drugs that alters neural signals in the brain that influence appetite. Some research has shown that the drug can diminish activity in areas of the brain that are concerned with appetite. The early studies indicate that the drug is like a cannabinoid receptor blocker.

The drug has not been approved for use in the USA because of its serious side effects. In Europe acomplia is also marketed as an aid for discontinuing smoking.

Several studies have shown that acomplia can induce severe psychiatric problems including suicidal ideations, depression and anxiety. It is highly unlikely it will ever be permitted in the USA for treatment of any medical disorder

Sunday 23 June 2013

metabolism and weight loss

Is there any way I can lose weight by increasing my metabolism?

Boosting metabolism has been extensively studied for weight loss but unfortunately the problem is that the weight loss is not sustained and often associated with adverse reactions. In almost all cases, the weight loss induced by increasing metabolism is short lived. There is no magic method of increasing one’s metabolism other than to take certain medications. The classic medication that can increase metabolism is thyroid hormone. However, this hormone is not recommended when one has no thyroid problems. In addition, thyroid hormone has way too many side effects. Caffeine is another agent that can increase metabolism, but its effects are mild. The best way to increase metabolism outside of drugs is to walk, everyday.

weight gain & menopause

Does weight gain during menopause have medical implications?

Weight gain at any age is harmful to the body. Weight gain during menopause increase levels of lipids like cholesterol, which increase risk of heart disease and stroke. Other medical problems related to weight gain include development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. There is a lot of evidence which reveals that excess weight also increases the risk of several cancers like breast and colon. There is newer evidence showing that even a weight gain of 2 kilograms at menopause can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer.

menopause and weight gain

How can I prevent weight gain that occurs during menopause?

Unfortunately there is no easy way to prevent weight gain at any age. There are no drugs, spices or herbs that can prevent the weight gain. If you do not want to gain weight, then follow this simple principle:

Perform some type of physical activity. While many people recommend a particular exercise, this is not absolutely necessary. Just walking for 30-45 minutes twice a day 4-5 times a week is helpful. Of course the more active you are, the more likely you are to prevent weight gain. If you are motivated you can even start strength training, which helps burn calories a lot faster. Strength training can be performed 2-3 times a week interspaced with some type of aerobic activity.
Besides being active, one should also eat less. It is easy to add calories with advancing age and thus, it is important to consume less. This does not mean starving but watching what one eats. The foods selected should be healthier and contain the essential vitamins, minerals and protein. Skipping meals is not recommended as it usually leads to overeating later on.

Losing weight requires motivation and dedication and thus, for most people some type of emotional support is beneficial. This means surrounding oneself with friends and family members who can help one continue the exercise and dietary changes.

It is important to understand that losing weight requires a permanent change in life style. To make sure that it works, the life style changes must be positive and one must like the exercises. Constant changes in diet and variety of exercises helps relieve boredom and prevent relapse into a sedentary life style.


How much fiber should one consume to have any benefit?

In general men should consume about 35 grams and women should consume 25 grams of fiber per day. you can always eat more but this can cause bloating and excess flatus (gas). In the last decade, manufacturers have started to add fiber to most foods. However, I recommend natural foods for your fiber source; try to eat more veges,  fruits, whole grains and nuts.

hypnosis and weight loss

I would like to lose weight and my doctor has recommended hypnosis. What do you  think?
If there ever was a scam in healthcare, then hypnosis would be at the top of the list. It does jack shit. The only people who benefit from hypnosis are the providers because they make a lot of money. If you have any common sense, save your money. Hypnosis is for fools and idiots who have money to waste. If you really want to lose weight, eat less and walk more. All hypnosis will ever give you is disappointment.

fever and pregnancy

I am 17 weeks pregnant and am wondering if I can take the occasional aspirin?

In general, if you are pregnant, avoid all medications. Aspirin is not recommended during pregnancy, it can increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and may also affect lung maturation. If you have pain, a better option is to take acetaminophen (Tylenol).

chewing gum addiction

Can one become addicted to chewing gum?
I am not sure about it, but do not see why not. It is not a great habit and I would recommend you make an effort to stop it. Sure, wont help you get a good job. I think some people believe chewing gum looks cool and sexy-in reality it is a terrible habit

laxatives for weight loss

Is it bad to use laxatives for weight loss?
Laxatives are widely abused by people who want to lose weight. However, these medications are not recommended as they have many adverse effects. Besides dehydration, they can also cause electrolyte disturbances. Moreover, most people develop tolerance to the medications, so you will constantly need to increase the doses. The weight loss from laxatives is only mild and not sustained. 

What you should know is that many people who abuse laxatives develop a lazy bowel. This is a serious disorder as you will not be able to have bowel movements in future. So I suggest you exercise rather use these medications to lose weight.

picky eater

My sister is a very picky eater and is difficult to please. Is there any remedy for this?
Generally people who are finicky eaters have a terrible personality and are best classified as arse holes. Unfortunately, every family has a picky eater and creates havoc in the home.  I am not sure if there is any treatment for picky eaters, except to avoid them.

Under active thyroid

 Can underactive thyroid be treated ?

Sure, once you have an under active thyroid, your doctor will start you on thyroid hormone pills. They work quite well. However, you may continue to need blood tests several times a year to ensure that the disorder is reversed. The majority of your symptoms including weight gain, will slowly reverse within a few months.

HRT and weight

I have just started taking hormone replacement therapy after my hysterectomy. Does this cause weight gain?

All hormone replacement therapies cause weight gain. Even though some professionals claim this is not so, the evidence for this is overwhelming. While fluid accumulation accounts for most weight gain, some women even build up fat around the hips and buttocks. The only way to avoid the weight gain is by enrolling in an exercise program. Start walking more and eat less.

Excess sweating

I sweat a lot under my arms. Is there a product you can recommend to stop this nuisance?
Yes, buy any product that contains aluminum. Antiperspirants that contain Aluminum chloride works well in most people. You usually apply it overnight and wash it off in the morning. The major problem with aluminum is that it does tend to cause an irritating rash.

stretch marks

I have lost a fair amount of weight recently and have now developed redundant skin with stretch marks. How can I get rid of it?

The best method is surgery. The plastic surgeon can get rid of this excess skin. However, before you have surgery, you must make sure you do not want to have any more kids and will maintain your current weight. If you have surgery and plan to have more kids, the excess skin will come back. The surgery for removing excess skin is also not cheap.

white spots on nails

My nails have small white spots and I have not been able to get rid of them with a variety of treatments? Can you recommend something?
White spot on the nails are harmless and only of cosmetic nuisance. Some people claim that they are due to zinc deficiency. You may try zinc supplements (20-40 mg/day) for several weeks. I would not expect miracles.

Vege diet and anemia

Can I develop anemia with a vegetarian diet?
Sure, the more stricter your diet,  the higher the risk of anemia. Anemias may result from failure to take in adequate iron or some vitamins. Iron is readily available from eggs, milk, meat and green vegetables, if you lack these foods, you will develop anemia after a few years. So anytime you go on a diet, make sure you eat a balanced diet to void anemias.

carbonated vs. regular water

Is carbonated water better than regular water?
No. the myth that carbonated water is better is perpetuated by the manufacturers to sell more of their products. Not only is carbonated water more expensive but it will cause more bloating and you will also pass more gas. Best advice -stick to plain drinking water at home- if in doubt boil the water before hand.

Light therapy

Do I need to buy a special device for light therapy for my depression?

Light therapy is exposure to bright light and only works for seasonal affective disorder. It only works in a few people. While doctors do recommend special brands of light, any`high intensity fluororescent light device will work. however, heating lamps or tanning lamps will not do.

For the treatment to be effective, you have to sit in front of the light for 30-120 minutes every morning. Longer than 2 hours does not make any difference. Results often take several weeks to appear-if you are lucky.

What are complications of urine retention?

Complications of acute urinary retention can occur if it is not treated promptly. It can lead to bladder damage and kidney failure.

If the urinary retention was due to a drug or anesthesia, then you will be able to pass urine once the catheter is removed. However, depending on the cause more than ¾ of cases of acute urinary retention recur within a week. Thus, most physicians leave the catheter until investigations are completed. In men, the most common cause of acute urinary retention is BPH. Individuals who have BPH will need some type of procedure to relieve the obstruction and prevent acute retention of urine.  Surgery for BPH may cause a temporary loss of libido and incontinence of urine, but these problems are temporary. Most men regain normal sexual and bladder function within 6-12 months.

Treatment of urine retention

How is acute urinary retention treated?
To avoid developing complications, acute urinary retention must be treated within 4-6 hours after onset of symptoms. The most effective treatment for acute urinary retention is inserting a small catheter into the bladder. These catheters come in various sizes and shapes and immediately provide relief. These small flexible catheters must be inserted in a sterile fashion and the procedure can be done at the bedside.

Once relief is obtained, studies are done to determine the cause. Urine analysis is always done to determine the presence of an infection. Other tests include a bladder scan, abdominal X-rays, rectal exam, urodynamic studies and cystoscopy.

Diagnosis of urine retention

How is the diagnosis of acute urinary retention made?

The diagnosis of acute urinary retention is made by the clinical presentation and history. No radiological tests are required to make the diagnosis of this acute disorder. Investigations are generally done after treatment.

Symptoms of urinary retention

How do I know if I have developed acute urinary retention?
Trust me, once you develop acute urinary retention, you will know. Acute urinary retention is very unpleasant and presents with sudden lower abdominal pain, distended lower abdomen and inability to void urine. Most individuals will writhe in pain, be extremely anxious, may develop profuse sweating and become restless. The majority of individuals present immediately to the emergency room because of the pain, which results from inability to pass urine.

Causes of urine retention

Are there any medications that can cause acute urinary retention?

In acute urinary retention the urine collected in the bladder fails to come out. One may feel sensations of a full bladder and the urge to urinate, but the urine won’t flow. Causes of acute urinary retention include:

- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Use of medications like anti histamines, decongestants, certain bronchodilators, anti parkinsonian drugs, anti cholinergics, medications for blood pressure, anti depressants
- Prolonged periods of bed rest
- Exposure to intense cold
- Spinal cord trauma or paralysis
- Recent surgery or anesthesia
- Presence of a urinary tract infection
- Benign prostatic hypertrophy

Risks for urinary retention

What are risk factors for acute urinary retention?

Acute urinary retention does not occur in everyone and sometimes it is possible to predict in whom the disorder may occur. The risk factors for acute urinary retention include a history of kidney stones, having prostate cancer, prostatitis (infection of prostate) and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Women also develop acute urinary retention and it occurs most often in females with urinary tract infections, during pregnancy and those who have had recent gynecological surgery.

Urine retention

 Can women develop acute urinary retention?
In general, more men than women develop acute urinary retention. The sudden inability to pass urine usually presents in older individuals and can be very distressing.

Acute urinary retention can occur in anyone and at any age. However data from hospitals reveals that men are more prone to acute urinary retention after the 6th decade of life.

Prognosis of hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is not a progressive disorder. Once the injury has occurred, the symptoms remain the same or may improve slightly. However, because of lack of mobility other complications do occur. The complications include joint contractures, muscle spasms, joint deformities, bed sores, pressure ulcers and blood clots.

Sudden recovery from hemiplegia is very rare. Only the very mild cases may improve but most severe cases of hemiplegia have a poor prognosis. Many of the individuals will become bed bound or may have to use a wheel chair to get around. When one side of the body is paralyzed, it is difficult to use a cane or crutches. It is vital to integrate the hemiplegic child into society and encourage them in their daily living activities. With time, some individuals may make remarkable progress

Treatment for hemiplegia

Is there any treatment for hemiplegia that works?

There is no specific treatment but rehabilitation therapy is often recommended. In all cases the major aim of rehabilitation is to regain maximum functioning potential of the brain. Both physical and occupational therapy can significantly improve the quality of life. Physical therapy can help improve the range of motion, increase muscle strength and prevent joint contractures. Occupational therapy may help the individual perform daily living activities like brushing teeth, combing hair or dressing. Initially one may undergo physical therapy at a center but many of these exercises can also be done at home and become part of daily life routine.

Surgery for hemiplegia

Can surgery be used to reverse hemiplegia?

Surgery has a very small role in the treatment of hemiplegia. Some individuals may develop joint contractures and acquire severe deformities of the joints. In such cases the surgeon may cut the ligaments and relieve joint contractures. Individuals who are unable to swallow may have a tube inserted into the stomach by the surgeon. This allows food to be given directly into the stomach. The food is blended or pureed and instilled at low rates.

Prosthetics. The majority of individuals with hemiplegia will benefit from some type of prosthetic device. There are many types of braces and splints available to stabilize the joint, assist with walking and keep the upper body erect. Some of the air filled braces are comfortable and can even be worn at night.

Hemiplegia reversal

Can hemiplegia that occurs after a stroke be reversed?
Unfortunately, even if the cause of hemiplegia is known there is no cure. Once brain injury has occurred, the only available treatments are to ease the symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Drugs are used to treat painful muscle spasms. Drugs like Librium or valium are frequently administered to help break up muscle spasms and also calm the individuals. Drugs are also given to individuals who have recurrent seizures.

Diagnosis of hemiplegia

How is the diagnosis of hemiplegia made?

A decent physician will be able to make a diagnosis of hemiplegia based on clinical presentation and history. A CT scan or MRI is usually done to confirm the presence of a lesion in the brain or spinal cord. Usually blood testing is not required to make a diagnosis of hemiplegia


My father had a recent stroke and the doctor says he may have hemiplegia. What symptoms will he develop?

Hemiplegia means paralysis of one side of the body but the clinical features can vary tremendously. Both the symptoms and intensity are variable from person to person. The classic symptoms include:

- Difficulty with gait
- Difficulty with balance while standing or walking
- Having difficulty with fine motor activities like holding, grasping or pinching
- Increasing stiffness and rigidity of joints
- Muscle spasms
- Seizures
- Inability to hold bladder or bowel
- Difficulty with speech
- Difficulty swallowing food

In children, there may be significant delay in achieving developmental milestones like standing, smiling, crawling or speaking. The majority of children who develop hemiplegia also have abnormal mental development and have a low IQ.
Behaviors problems like anxiety, anger, irritability, lack of concentration or comprehension.

Emotions- including depression is very common

Adults can have the same symptoms as children when hemiplegia occurs. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are permanent and recovery after a stroke is often a very long process.

Brown spot treatment

My skin doctor recommend laser for my brown spots. Is this safe?

No, anytime a doctor recommends a treatment for something is naturally occurring means that this healthcare professional is scoundrel. You really do not need any treatment for freckles. Laser is used and it works by breaking up the spots with heat energy. However, laser is only good for the most superficial skin lesion. Deep lesions require strong lasers, which results in more pain, complications and cost. Best advice, save your money and go for a vacation.


Can you tell me what are lentignes?

Sure, lentignes are like freckles but slightly larger in size. They are also called large brown spots and tend to occur on the face and hands. In most cases, these lesions occur after prolonged exposure to sun. Unlike freckles, lentignes do not fade in the winter. If these skin lesions do not bother you leave them alone. Cosmetic surgeons offer laser and acid peel treatments, but this is a complete waste of money/. If you do not have the money, apply camouflage. If you have money to spend, go buy a dog-it will accept you no matter what spots you have on your skin.

Brown spots

Is there a treatment to remove brown spots?

Brown spots are also known as freckles which generally tend to occur on the face and upper arms. These sports tend to be more common in light skinned individuals, especially those with red hair. Freckles are more conspicuous in the summer and tend to fade in the winter months
In general, there is no need to remove freckles. Of course, the plastic surgeons and skin doctors have developed many methods of removing these spots-but each treatment is worse than the spot themselves. My best advice is to avoid going to these scoundrels because not only are the treatments expensive but they can cause severe complications. If your brown spots bother you, apply camouflage. If they still bother you, try some Prozac.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Vasectomy reversal

I am thinking about a vasectomy reversal. Is there something I should know beforehand?

The first thing to consider is the reputation of your surgeon. Always select a surgeon that has done many of these procedures and knows what he is talking about. Do not go to a female urologist-they are usually awful as surgeons. Despite what surgeons claim, the overall success rate of this surgery is very poor. The next thing to find out is the costs. Vasectomy reversal is considered cosmetic in nature and thus, no health insurance plan will pay for it. The cost of vasectomy reversal ranges from $8,000-$15,000- just as much as a down payment on a home. If a surgeon does not have the price listed on his website, then you can bet it is on the higher end. There are no guarantees for success and there are no refunds. Most men end up with no sperm and disappointment.

Vasectomy reversal

When can a man have vasectomy reversal procedure done?

Some men do not want children and undergo a vasectomy. What should be understood is that this is a permanent form of sterilization. If afterwards you change your mind, you are in big S..T. Vasectomy reversal is done by many surgeons but the results simply suck. Reversal of a vasectomy is best done within the first year for the best success. The longer you wait, the less the chance of success. Even if you have a vasectomy within the first year, the chance of success is slim to none. So the point to understand is that before you undergo vasectomy, give it a lot of thought. 

Despite what surgeons claims, vasectomy reversal is associated with poor success. The only people who benefit are the surgeons because whether the procedure is a success or a failure, they still get paid thousands of dollars. There are no refunds in medicine.

Vasectomy reversal

 What exactly is a vasectomy reversal?

Vasectomy reversal is essentially a surgical procedure that reconnects the tubes that carry sperms. During a vasectomy, these tubes are usually cut and is considered a permanent form of sterilization. With a vasectomy reversal, the tubes are reconnected and sperm can again travel from the testis into the semen. The procedure is done in men who now have second thoughts about a vasectomy and want to have children. Overall, the results of vasectomy reversal suck. The surgery is expensive and most men end up with depression and no sperm.


Is it true that lupus can cause headaches?

Yes. Lupus has a variety of effects on the brain. With time, lupus tends to affect the brain to some degree in the majority of patients. Most people with lupus will develop headaches of varying intensity. Other affects of lupus on the brain may include dizziness, changes in behavior, hallucinations and seizures. As the disorder progresses, most people will develop loss of short term memory, difficult concentrating, confusion, depression and an inability to express their thoughts and concerns.

Spider veins

Can spider veins ever resolve spontaneously?

Yes, the majority of them do but they can recur. If you are obese, pregnant or have an occupation where you stand for long periods, spider veins are likely to appear.