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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Vitamins for health

My girlfriend smokes and drinks heavily. She rarely exercises. Do you think vitamin supplements will help her?

Many people now a days think that popping vitamins is a solution for good health. This is a dumb idea. The majority of the health supplements on the market are crap. Many are fakes and counterfeit. They are made in the Orient, where there is little quality control. The entire health supplement industry is unregulated. Why would any sane person want to eat such crap is a real mystery? I am a believer that you should eat a healthy well balanced diet. If you want vitamins, eats fruits and vegetables-this is not only cheaper but safer than the crap pills you can buy. For your GF, there is nothing you can do. Unless she is willing to change her life style, and stops smoking and/or drinking, everything you do will be futile. Best advice- find a new girlfriend if she is unwilling to change.

Urinating shyness

I am a 26-year-old male and whenever I am in the public bathroom, I can’t urinate if there are other people next to me. Any suggestions what I can do?

This is a very common problem in men. Sometimes standing at a urinal and the urine just stops whenever another person is standing close by. It is a surprisingly very common problem in men of all ages, but because of pride, many men do not brag about it. The major issue is that of being very self-conscious. This is a psychological issue and nothing to do with your bladder or penis. Best advice, use the toilet when no one is there or wait till others have finished using it. Do not worry about it and it will disappear with time.

Painful hemorrhoids

I have painful hemorrhoids but do not want to undergo surgery?

Well, I suggest you start drinking lots of water, take laxatives and add fiber to your diet. After that, you can buy some hemorrhoidal cream that contains an anesthetic. That should do the trick. Try anusol. Ff medications and life style changes fail, then you will need surgery. Remember- Go to a colorectal surgeon for your hemorrhoids. General surgeons are not great are at doing hemorrhoid surgery-they tend to f..k it up quite often.

CT scan for lung cancer

I am a 57-year-old male who smokes. My doctor says I need to undergo a CT scan every 2-3 years to screen for lung cancer. Is this worth it?

Tell your doctor to Piss off. First, the regular chest x-ray is very insensitive and cannot detect small lung cancers. Ct scan is very sensitive but the majority of lesions identified turn out to be non cancerous. The only sure way to tell if a mass on a CT scan is a cancer is to biopsy. Therefore, if a lesion is seen on CT scan, you will be sent for a biopsy. CT scan screening for lung cancer is just another bogus way how doctors rip off patients. The actual CT scan will cost about $600-$1,000. If you need to undergo a biopsy, it will be a couple of thousand dollars. Moreover, the majority of time, the lesions are non cancerous.

My best advice to you is stop smoking and change your doctor-this doctor sounds like a fraud for recommending a BS test. In America and elsewhere, having health insurance can be a hazard to your health sometimes-because you are sent for more tests and more surgeries-the majority, which are unnecessary.

Creatine for muscle

How much creatine should I take to boost my exercise performance?

Many men take creatine to build muscle or improve exercise endurance. The loading dose for the first 5 days is about 20 g orally every day, and then you need to take 2-3 g per day. The results are not immediate and not seen in everyone. About 30% of individuals see no difference in weight or exercise endurance. Creatine tends to be of more benefit in elderly individuals or highly trained athletes. For the casual person, creatine does not do much. The supplement is relatively safe but may cause bloating and diarrhea. If you want creatine to work, you must exercise regularly and be committed for at least 2-3 months. Sitting at home and popping creatine pills will do jack shit, except make you obese.

Lidocaine for premature ejaculation

My doctor has prescribed me lidocaine gel for premature ejaculation. Does it work?

Well, this very common disorder is difficult to treat. You may apply lidocaine on you penis, but all it will do is numb your penis. Moreover, the gel will spread into the vagina and also numb the pleasurable sensations of your partner. I do not recommend it. There is no evidence that this drug works but doctors continue to prescribe it. It is a medication often used to numb the anal canal in partners who undergo anal sex for the first time.

Premature ejaculation

I was prescribed clomipramine for my premature ejaculation. Five weeks later, I am still spurting all over the bed during sex with my GF. When will it start to work?

Clomipramine is a very old antidepressant drug and not very effective. If it has not worked by 3 weeks, it is unlikely to work. There is no FDA approved drug for this disorder but the newer antidepressants seem to work the best. Ask your doctor for an SSRI inhibitor like sertraline or Prozac. No one knows if they work or how long you have to take them for the results. In addition, these medications also have a number of adverse effects including weight gain. Am sorry, I do not have a great answer for this very common problem in men. Best advice, get comfortable and communicate with your partner during sex and be patient.